Chicken Cordon Bleu. A delicious French classic, chicken cordon bleu is made of chicken breasts stuffed with ham and Swiss cheese. Classic Chicken Cordon Bleu is breaded and then fried. We opted to skip the frying and bake ours instead.
You'd swear it's fried - but it's baked. Chicken Cordon Bleu is usually stuffed with ham and Swiss cheese, but you can use any cheese your family likes such as mozzarella or Gruyere. Tender chicken breasts are stuffed with smoky ham and swiss cheese. Kalian dapat memasak Chicken Cordon Bleu menggunakan 7 bahan bahan dan 4 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak itu.
Bahan bahan
- Kalian perlu 2 Buah dada ayam, belah dua tapi jangan sampai putus, 1/2 aja.
- Kalian perlu 2 Lembar smoked beef.
- Kalian perlu Keju kraft quick melt.
- Kalian perlu 2 Siung bawang putih.
- Kalian perlu 1 butir telur.
- Kalian perlu secukupnya Tepung terigu.
- Siapkan secukupnya Tepung roti.
These easy rolls are breaded and baked until golden and juicy. A simple dijon cream sauce is the perfect compliment. A cordon bleu or schnitzel cordon bleu is a dish of meat wrapped around cheese (or with cheese filling), then breaded and pan-fried or deep-fried. Chicken Cordon Bleu was one of the first meals I attempted as a newly married woman.
- Lumuri ayam dengan bawang putih yg sdh diulek dengan garam terus aku kasi madu dan lada putih bubuk sedikit aja.
- Selanjutnya ayam tadi disisipkan smoked beef dan keju yang aku potong kecil persegi panjang, sekitar 3/4 cm, kalo mau pake mozarella bisa juga kok, pake keju apa aja yg melted, rapatkan sisi ayam dan tusuk sisinya pake tusuk gigi biar rapi.
- Terus celupkan ayam ke tepung terigu, sesudah itu celupkan ke kocokan telur dan gulingkan lagi ke tepung roti, masukkan dulu ke kulkas, aku bikinnya sore, malam harinya baru aku goreng.
- Goreng deep fried ayam dengan minyak panas dan api kecil, angkat dan sajikan, bisa di sajikan dengan kentang goreng loo, pake selada dan irisan tomat, jangan lupa sambal cocol terus bisa juga ditambahin pake mayones yummm! Chicken corden bleu siap di santap! Selamat mencoba 🤗.
I had never heard of pounding chicken to make it thinner and spent a lot of time in the kitchen violently trying to. Fortunately, chicken cordon bleu is pretty simple to put together yourself using scratch ingredients. Chicken cordon bleu is typically deep-fried or pan fried, but here we simply bake it in the oven. Chicken Cordon Bleu is a dish made with chicken breast wrapped around ham and cheese. It is then breaded and cooked by either frying or baking.