Mini Tortila. These mini tortilla crust pizzas are definitely no exception! The great thing about these is that you use tortillas instead of pizza dough. Empty the can of Muir Glen™ pizza sauce into a bowl and rinse out the can.
A dessert for Mascarpone cheese fans. Served in an original and appetizing way in a crispy tortilla bowl. And to make things sweeter - with raspberries in gel! Kalian dapat memasak Mini Tortila menggunakan 4 bahan bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Siapkan 100 gr tepung terigu.
- Kalian perlu 1 sdm margarin.
- Siapkan Secukupnya air hangat.
- Siapkan Secukupnya gula pasir (toping).
She loved these mini egg and cheese tortilla cups and so did we! These mini egg and cheese breakfast bites are perfect for kids and adults. They are also great on the go, take them to school or. The Tortilla Channel. delicious nutritious tortilla inspired food.
Langkah langkah
- Campur terigu dan margarin lalu uleni sampai kalis. Tambahkan air hangat bila perlu agar adonan merata. Diamkan kurang lebih 10 menit..
- Siapkan loyang. Lalu pipihkan adonan sampai tipis sesuai selera..
- Panggang di atas kompor dengan api kecil. Bolak balik tortila agar matang merata. Lalu angkat dan taburi gula pasir selagi hangat agar manisnya meresap..
These tortilla bites are great as a snack or as an appetizer to serve for your next party. Need an idea for a healthy snack that your kids will actually eat? Even picky eaters will flip for these delicious mini-tortilla pizza bites! Fitness expert Autumn Calabrese shows moms how to make quick. Prepare super mini pizzas using tortilla crust.